Wednesday, October 16, 2013

smoking tyre vid..

Can Air Suspension Provide “The Best of Both Worlds?” For Sports and Show car Enthusiasts?

after 24 hours of thought I am still blown away with this system!
game changing kit...such a simple idea making the air bag slide around the shock giving
you the ability to have height and handling ..I think we are going to see this come standard on sports
cars in the near future..  well done to this guy..
I know if this was an optional extra on my next car purchase I would certainly drop the sun roof etc..

whats your view?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

sunday morning run for breakfast...

Well first run with the club and I go to start my car in the garage and the starter motor decides to shit is self!!  murphys law at it s finest so it had to be the 159 for the run!!great to see some 105s in action..
                                                just a few pics of the morning..